Our history
Reitzel has been a family business since 1909. It was successively managed by Hugo Reitzel, the founder, Franz and Charles Reitzel, his sons, then by Joseph Poupon until 1986 and then by his son Bernard Poupon. Today, the Reitzel company is managed by Olivier Camille.
Originally from Baden-Württemberg in Germany, Hugo Reitzel left his native region and settled in Lausanne.
At the age of 28, he created the company Reitzel & Cie and bought the property of Rochebord in Aigle, on which there was agricultural land and a mustard factory. He decided to continue the production of the famous Aigle mustard (known since the 18th century).
Hugo Reitzel met Aïda Frati, of Italian origin, when he arrived in Lausanne, Switzerland. They got married and had 4 children.

While the First World War was raging, the company began producing the famous gherkins and other vegetables (cauliflower, celery, carrots, onions, etc.), which were first grown on the estate and then purchased from farmers in the Rhône plain.
The Reitzel company specializes in pickled vegetables, which are initially made by hand. Aïda came up with the idea, inspired by the sott'aceti of Tuscany!

Hugo’s sons Charles and Franz take over leadership of the company, which becomes Reitzel Frères.

Industrialisation and installation of Switzerland’s first pasteurisation line in Aigle.

Installation of a production line for vinegar and sauces in Aigle. Reitzel becomes the first manufacturer of ready-to-eat sauces in Switzerland.

The company torch is handed over to Philippe Reitzel and Bernard Poupon.

Takeover of the company Guy Briand SA in Bourré, France, specialising in the manufacturing and packaging of condiments in jars.

Creation of Reitzel India

Takeover of the brand Le Jardin d’Orante in Lesieur, for which Marc Veyrat would later become the ambassador.

Creation of Reitzel International to support the development of the group’s exporting activities

Takeover of the company Christ in France, specialising in cooked dishes and condiments.

Stéphanie Reitzel is appointed president of Reitzel, representing the 4th generation of Reitzels to lead the company.

The “French Cornichons” and “HUGO” ranges are launched in Switzerland, made from locally grown ingredients.

The organic range « Bravo Hugo » is launched.

Reitzel celebrates its 111th birthday !

Reitzel opens its first shop: the HUGO Shop in Aigle.
Come and visit us!

Reitzel France launches the "HUGO" range, the pickle made in France !

Concerned about its environmental impact, Reitzel is launching its VIA (Very Important Actions) program in 2022 to achieve its 2030 objectives.